Are Natural Treatments Really Effective?

November 29, 2017

Are Natural Treatments Really Effective?

For the past few years I've begin to develop a real interest for the beautiful world of natural treatments, herbal remedies and cures. Why? Well, I have witnessed how our medicine today lacks perspective in its way of treating the sick.

I do believe that modern medicine, namely the use of drugs and other synthetic chemicals, does nothing more than cure or ameliorate the symptoms and rarely cure the cause. But still, nowadays people feel even more the need to cure their conditions in a holistic manner by taking care of both the body and mind.

Why natural treatments and herbal cures? Well, people have been using plants, roots, seeds and other natural "drugs" to heal diseases since immemorial times now. 
I still remember today that my grandmother used to make a ointment made of pork lard and some beautiful orange flowers called marigolds that she used to grow for this purpose only. This ointment, she said, that helps cure all sorts of skin conditions, including burns, cuts and blisters.

My other grandmother had this old book of herbal remedies. She used to take it with her when she was going fishing with grandpa, so that she could picks herself all the wild herbs that appeared with their picture in the book. Also, she made this delicious rosehip jam every autumn loaded with natural Vitamin C and a great home remedy in its own.

Besides the fact that people have been using natural treatments, herbal remedies and other natural cures for centuries now, we need to ask ourselves a simple question: What do drugs today contain?

Well, at their core, drugs are a synthetic replica of minerals, vitamins and other elements extracted from plants and herbs that have this healing properties. So, practically synthetic drugs today are a literary cheap imitation of nature's best cures.

Having all these in mind, our question here is if natural treatments really work and if they are trustworthy. Well, I have to say that in my opinion after years of study and research, I say they DO. My opinion is based on personal experience mostly and then on the feedback I've received from people who have followed them.

However, when you decide to take on a natural treatment for a condition you have, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind:

1. Natural treatments show their effects over a longer period of time and if you won't see any miracles seconds after you've drank your tea, it is OK. Let the pharmacy industry load you with miracle promises and scams. Nature doesn't trick you, you see.

2. You need to have constancy and determination to follow a natural treatment, because often times they need a longer period of time in order to be effective and heal you. 
So, if you won't see any immediate effects today and not even tomorrow, you need to stay constant and don't give up. Unless, of course, you experience any kind of unpleasant side effects and then you need to stop.

3. Get informed about the natural ingredients and if they have any side effects. Do a little bit of your own research before jumping on to any natural remedy you can find. Ask other people on forums and ask about their personal experience.

4. Last but not least as importance, make sure you consult with your doctor or with a naturopathic specialist who can tell you if undergoing this treatment can have any unwanted repercussions for your health state.

In the end, nature always knows best and man has never topped nature in any area whatsoever. Still, there are natural treatment and remedies resources that can be trusted and some that lack on credibility.